Thursday, May 31, 2007

Settling In

Well i didn't realize how long it had been since I last updated my blog! The camera is still out of commission but I am almost done a disposable so maybe i can scan some pictures??? I shall try soon. So the update... We got the keys for our new place on the 27th of April. On the 28th, bless them and thank the Lord!, some saints from the gospel hall and 1 friend from dave's work came to help us move! We rented a uhaul and had to make just two trips to get everthing from here to there. Only a couple items were broken which I didn't really have any attachment to so that's quite alright:) The men were able to bring my piano in the front door and it still works so I'm more than happy:). On the Sunday we attended the meeting up in Gander and took a break from all the business. Then on the Monday evening we ended up at a cabin at Osprey Landing Cottages. We had stayed there before so we knew it was a great place to stay. I spent the week with the kids at the cottage with very little phone contact or hardly seeing another person and I had no real work to do ... let me tell you under normal circumstances i might have gone a bit stir crazy but after all the work of packing and business of paperwork in trying to buy this home i was glad of the break in many ways.. i did little but keep the cabin in order and play with the kids and sleep sleep sleep:) What a treat. The house needed to be completely rewired during our electrical upgrade so it took longer than expected. 2 weeks instead of 1. So for the second week we decided to try staying at the house while the work progressed. That was a hectic week with two kids running around and wires everywhere but we all managed and the work is now done and paid for and we are truly thankful to have it that way. The one workers name was Dave and he had a saw for cutting the holes and such but John didn't like the noise... so everytime dave came in to work John would run and begin to cry " noise, noise!" hehehe. Chloe on the other hand didn't mind the work and quite the opposite tried very hard to help and make them laugh. She often offered up cookies to the men who happily took them and she even sat on Jim's knee while he was puting the outlets back in and chatted away to him.. he was very obliging. Anyway the weeks since then we've just been unpacking and puttering a little everyday to get things organized here. Dave has done a renovation to make the one bedroom into two by building a dividing wall and making a second door so each of the kids have a little space to call their own. soon they will be referred to as the boys room and the girls room. A friend asked me the other day how many days i had left till the baby was due.. i had never thought of it in terms of days but just 19 days to go!! I'm feeling pretty good but have had the chance to slow down quite a bit in the last little while so i get a nap in just about every day and do little more then the average housework. So I'm thankful for that. The Lord is bringing all the little details together about who will watch the children when i go into labour and dave has already asked for a couple days off spontaneuosly in the next month:) So I'm less worried about that..(why should i have worried anyway! it doesn't help anything eh!??) :) Dave has a summer student helping him at work now and is thankful as she seems to be a pretty good worker. Also another man arrives for an interview sunday monday this coming week for a senior metallurgy position which would be a boss for dave but he is glad of it as it relieves him of some responsibility and gives him an opportunity to do the work and not have to deal so much with the workers which isn't one of his favourite things. We are continuing to be involved with Friday night bible study out in Grand Falls. Last week we had to mormon fellows call to join us. We were pleasently surprised at the opportunity to share the gospel through a study of the life of Joseph without any real opposition. They have called back to return again this week to the study (held at our home) this friday night. So pray about this opportunity as Dave feels the need to be more prepared if there does happen to be a situation arise where they desire to dispute the truth. Our garden ventures hopefully will be succesful this year. We have a few plants started and also from the previous owners there is a well established strawberry patch and 4 good bunches of Rhubarb:) guess i know what i'll be making a lot this summer.. strawberry rhubarb pie! Anyone got some good recipe i can give a try to for the combination of strawberries and rhubarb? Well it's getting close to my nap time!! hehe.. so for now I hope this satisfies those who have longed checked here and have found nothing! My apologies.. hopefully pictures won't be too long in coming.
God Bless


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the update Amy. I sounds like life has been a whirlwind for you. I hope that little one holds off long enough for you to get settled in a bit :) though babies came when they are good and ready I guess.

THinking of you as you anticipate his / her arriva.
love you

Anonymous said...

hi Amy
happy to read your news. Glad that you are getting settled and having a chance to get some rest before the baby comes.

Anonymous said...

nice to see the pictures.
looks like you all fit in this vahicle!